Need Help Pruning....


Active Member
I am currently growning in a tent and would like to figure out how to maximize my amount per plant and save growing in a tent and using 1.75 gal pots. I have been throwing them into flower around 10-12 in but they still seem to become more wide and take up too much damn space. I would like to harvest 1 oz per plant and cant afford to take up space. I wanna try and keep them around the same width as the pots give or take a few inches max. Any help on this would solve a nightmare...thanks again for all your help and guidance


Well-Known Member
what size tent? it really doesnt matter the size i do this with a 2x4x5 tent and a 4 x8 x7 tent....

you wanna get a roll of 9 gauge tie wire, epoxy is nice. then measure it to the height of the tent and add a ft or so then cut it. do that four times and then shape em like a half moon but not so dramatic, just a slight bend. then make hooks at the two ends just by taking pliers and curling the ends in. now you have four support posts that actually push the tent walls outward and gives like no shit 20% more room to the girls ( if you have negative pressure in the tent by sucking air out, im sure you do. if not get with me about that LOL).

now you can space the pots apart further, like all the way to the edges and give them much more space. youll actually utilize the full 4 sq ft (or whatever siz e you have) and a bit more.


Active Member
Well as far as ventilation i have too much positive pressure. I have a small tent 2,7 2'7 5;11. Im using a 4 in inline for exhaust and another for intake this is a must with tents period for me. The best investment ive made. The tent literally blows outward. I am also using a filter inside the tent which kinda fucks with the pressure too. Again if i want 1 ounce per plant how do i go about doing i need to hack all the sets but 4 before flowering...??? the problem is width of the plants


Well-Known Member
Get a quicker finishing strain? start flowering earlier? Pruning makes the growth point you cut turn into 2 growth points or more, so it doesnt sound like a good way to make them less bushy unless you trim them back often, which would be foolish imo, repeated stress and shock will stunt the rest of the plant, lol, less big plants are alot easier than a bunch of small ones imo, but its your grow so you can do as u wish, but in my experiences I do alot better with a few bigger plants than a bunch of small ones.


Active Member
Ya i hear what your sayin but im practicing a perpetual harvest. my goal is 1 ounce per this a gray area based on strain..cause with my experience it hasnt varied by strain it has varied by length of time but also heard that you can harvest 1 oz per plant in a 9 week life cycle not including rooting time...


Well-Known Member
I see, You could start flowering right after they rooted if you want as long as they are from a mature plant, but a week or 2 of vegging will be very helpful to obtaining an oz per plant or more imo.


Well-Known Member
you will def get a zip per plant. im sure of it. i never seen a plant go to finish and not yield over an oz.


Active Member
i have been flowering after about one week of veg and they were about12in tall. now they are 2 feet and about the same in width heres a pic



Active Member
no i havent yet harvested this batch. Im trying to perfect a perpetual harvest to ensure a constant flow. but as big as the girls are now i can only fit 6 in there comfortably..but yet i can fit 16 1.75 gal pots in my tent...plenty of room for more ladies


Well-Known Member
you get four colas by topping above the second node. 2 colas, pinch above the first node.


Active Member
trust me larger pots wont help for my situ..i have more than enough soil space for a 9 week old plant.ever since i switched to soiless they have grow a little too well..not a problem but kinda rushed me outta space. I guess i'll try flowering after two days in veg instead of


Active Member
I actually found that guide and got a little confused. After he topped them were they thrown straight into flower to keep them smaller in width?? How long did they veg???