Need Help Quick!!


Well-Known Member
Today I transplanted a plant that is about a foot tall into a bucket. When i was translpanting it i think some of the roots ripped out, and i new that wouldnt be good for the plant but i still planted it anyways. When it was put into the new fresh soil about 15 minutes later ALL the leaves were drooped down and crinkled in. It was with in 15 mintues for that plant to just die like that. If some of the roots were ripped out could that of instanly just killed it????????? HELP me plz


Well-Known Member
no this is called transplant shock, happens a lot, make sure they are freshly wattered and they should recover quite fast, within a few hours.


Well-Known Member
Beaner is right sounds like transplant shock. Give her a drink of water and let her rest.