Need help with Grow Closet in Apartment


We have 3 plants in our apartment closet and need some advice on what to do to keep lower temps with the doors shut completely for cheap. they are sliding mirror doors and it is about 8 feet long by 2 feet deep and 10 foot ceiling. the temps during the day are 70-80F with the doors cracked and 1 fan blowing in and 1 out.

Also we would like some advice on how to make CO2 due to the fact that we are low on cash.

Any advice for our grow room would be awesome. thx


Hey champ hows it goin? you should look into evaporative coolers and such if an A/C isnt in your budget. just make sure if you do you keep a close eye on the humidity and if needed get a dehumidifier :)

and with CO2 there are many guides around the forums using just a bottle, some yeast and some sugar basically.