Need help with humidity issues at night are at 70%!!!!


Well-Known Member
what is the humidity of the room the tent is in?
hydro or soil?
moisture is coming from somewhere,you need to figure out the source.


I work in restoration. If you humidity is above 60%, you will have mold start to form. Since your plants are in a tent, and mold requires an organic surface to grow, then your plants are going to be that surface.

Humidity occurs from a water source. Most likely, when you water your plants, the water is evaporating and causing the humidity.

Do you have ventilation for your tent? A fan blowing in, and one blowing out?

If you dont solve your humidity problem you will get mold.


Active Member
Ok i have a 4x8 sun hut tent my acs located on the outside of the tent. i jerry rigged two 4 inch ducts from the ac too the tent. the ducts build a lot moisture on it that may be why but most the moisture on the ducting is on the outside of the tent. i did by two booster fans hooked one up two the ac duct and the other in the corner of the tent blowing air out... i also have two mini fans blowing on the inside the stocks are huge on my plant though so i figured windage was a okay. its 12 plants on a 4x8 drip system tray in 8inch rock wool. theres some water that stays on the table cause the tables not perfectly balanced i oped out on not buying the 300 dollar stand too hold my table up haha do u guys think its the water that chills on the table at night, the ac moisture on the tubes or i need more fans? Thanks oh and when i bought the 2 booster fans didn't do anything but cost me another hundo. i did buy a target dehumidifier it says it covers 500-800 sq. ft. which is way more then enough for my tent. any suggestions my acs been running 24/7 cuz this and id like too fix this before i flower in a weak and a half


Active Member
Issue is ventilation and the NIGHT....... I run at 60% most of the time due to cellar and high water table.
70% is NOT defo going to cause issues till near end of flowering if not vented well (and some strains are fine with it). If good ventilation they'll do good. I just increased air inlet and made sure air circulated better. Worked for me 16yrs ago and still works today:D
Humidity increases at night as this is when your babies transpire most.
Some ppl turn fans off at night which aint a good idea if you have humidity issues. Do you turn them off ?
Alot of people have issues start with humidity if they veg their plants too long for the space provided also, obviously increase in vegative matter equals an increase in humidity.
exposed on your table aint the issue.
@60% You should be able to lower it slightly without changing much about your growroom. I had to lower mine from 80%+.
I found Dehumidifiers useless.
As was pointed out above.. what is your external humidity... if fans aint helping maybe it's because the humidity is 70% externally so you are pumping in at that.

Personally long as you have air movement and new air coming in I wouldn't worry too much at 60%... if you see issues put plans into place to resolve. As I said I run at 60% and rarely get mold issues, but I do try to lower a little towards end of cycle if surrounding climate allows.


Active Member
im gonna give my air flow some more working on tonight and when they sleep and i turn the ac off is the only way ill know haha so i should be back on this around midnight. but u had a good point Hillcrest my babys are all about 2ft tall now maybe bigger. i kind of regret going with a tray and a tent for my 1st grow i should have bought the ebb&flow bucket hydro system i would've had way more room in the tent too function and grow it wouldnt have been so compact.


Well-Known Member
balance the table to get rid of the water. it will help a little. is the rez in the tent or room and uncovered? a cover will help.


Active Member
yes rez is under the table and its covered im returning this piece of shit dehumidifier from target looks like im just gonna get the big hydro farm one its about 150 more but for the hassle well worth it... i have 3 fans going now and two booster fans blowing air out of the tent now so ill see but im still assuming 65% at night with ac off tell i get that dehum....