Need help with lighting for grow tent


New Member
Hey everyone I am currently trying to figure out the best lights I can find find for my gorilla 4x8 grow rent. I want to go with led but I can not figure out how to go about putting together the right figuration for the plants to thrive.

I have read good about advanced led lighting's diamond series as well as lumigrow and kind led even going the cheaper route with a bunch of Mars II's. Can anyone recommend from experience which light is best and also how many I may need for my tent.

Any and all help is appreciated especially with some like the lumigrow and the kind led's being so new there isn't much info or reviews out there about them.


Well-Known Member
Area 51 LED lighting. 160s cover 2' x 3' and the 190s 3' x 3' at max lumols. See my sig for complete LED grow. Either way you will need multiple panels depending on how much coverage you want in the tent.

You might post the questions in the LED lighting section for more advice from LED growers. I'm sure you will find something that will suit your needs. I can get 5 plants in five gallon buckets under my SGS160 in a 2' x 3' floor space. Yield is 2.6 oz per plant.


Active Member
heres my home made lighting setup,plants are now 12 days into flower,i was worried id need a bigger lighting setup,but they are looking very nice with this setup,total cost about 50 bucksIMG_1324.jpgIMG_1323.jpgIMG_1325.jpgIMG_1326.jpg buds are growing very well,this is my first indoor grow with 4 t5s and the ufo led setup i made with stuff from lowes