need help with making aeroponic system


Active Member

I wanted to do a 1 plant aeroponic system that will be under a 400 watt mh/hps. The reason for aeroponics is to maximise yield. I was thinking of having a 5 gallon reservoir with a pump and garden hose conected that leads out of the lid (everything will be light proof, black duct tape unless you know something better) and into another 5 gallon bucket thru the lid also, and then it spirals down the inside with holes poked in it to spray water. MY MAIN question is what pump would i need for this, and how often would i have to change the water.

would it be better if i stacked them somehow?
the stronger the better; u wanna make sure those nozels sping hard. The salt builds up faster than i care to sux so for my 5 gallon i used a 10hps