need help with my ghetto rig setup lol

So I have a 400hps bulb that I have hanging from a hook above my plants. The vertical bulb is cool but is there any easy way to rig the bulb to hang horizontal? I've thought about it but can't really think of a way because of the heat...and being retardedly stoned. I basically have a old walmart light (the ones hanging from the ceiling inside) with the socket removed and rewired with a stripped power cord and wire nuts lol.
Also I have a crappy mobile phone service what's the easiest mobile photo hosting site?

Fenian Brotherhood

Well-Known Member
Hoods are expensive. Drill a hole in a piece of plywood and put clamps/brackets around it to hold the bulb in place.

I have SOME experience with MJ Growing.... Close to none in Cellular Phones


Well-Known Member
maybe look at the vertical grow forum for ideas to improve what you got!
Sounds like you are halfway to a vertical grow setup!