Need Help with organix


Well-Known Member
I don't have any yet i just started my new batch and need some help

I don't know what organics to use which are better or anything or how often or even how to feed them. I've looked on here already and didn't find anything that helped that didn't have like 20 different organics I don't have that much money to pay for all of those

Can anyone help me, Link me to a different page or anything feedback is awesome

Danky Dank

Active Member
I don't have any yet i just started my new batch and need some help

I don't know what organics to use which are better or anything or how often or even how to feed them. I've looked on here already and didn't find anything that helped that didn't have like 20 different organics I don't have that much money to pay for all of those

Can anyone help me, Link me to a different page or anything feedback is awesome
Simply start off with a basic organic soil. They sell these at any nursery and will say organic on the bag. To make the soil better you can add worm castings, bat guano, blood meal and bone meal. These all can be found at a local nursery or hydroponics store. Simply the purpose of organics is to replace the nutrients you would have added with natural replacements. Bat guano, bone meal and blood meal are good for vegging. Hopefully this could help.


Well-Known Member
Simply start off with a basic organic soil. They sell these at any nursery and will say organic on the bag. To make the soil better you can add worm castings, bat guano, blood meal and bone meal. These all can be found at a local nursery or hydroponics store. Simply the purpose of organics is to replace the nutrients you would have added with natural replacements. Bat guano, bone meal and blood meal are good for vegging. Hopefully this could help.

That was awesome help never heard of bone or blood meal but i'll chceck it out thanks and worm castings like the trail they leave or there waste? should i get some worms for my soil?
That was awesome help never heard of bone or blood meal but i'll chceck it out thanks and worm castings like the trail they leave or there waste? should i get some worms for my soil?
ok i'm gonna help,first off dogs love blood's high in nitrogen and can burn.worm shit is high in n. and has many micro nutes. in it and bone meal is high in phosphorous and used for can burn.bat shit is high in ph.and has all kinds of good shit in a side by side comparisen if you want to but i beleive in the worms and the bats and sea birds myself.i got to say mushroom compost grows some dank ass weed.use dolomite lime to buffer your soil ph and add calcium and use good potting soil and add a good hydroponic micro nutrient.ok?get these things together add disstilled water cover and let these things cool before planting delicate seedlings into it as it will get hot and burn'em up.i just use mirical grow,worm and h.p.bat shit with great outcomes.good luck grow on:leaf: