need help with problem

so a few months ago i put some seeds in the ground in a few random secluded spots around my area......i go back to check on my plants yesterday....and nothing....not even dead dried out stems or half eaten leaves.....just nothing. i look around more, i see that some of the organic pots i used was dug out of the ground and torn apart...looks like something thought my little plants were tasty. anyone have a clue as to WTF is feasting on my shiiit???? i since have replanted more prospects, and even tossed some sevin dust around and crossed my fingers. i think i am gonna try pissing around the area also as ive heard animals tend to stay away from the smell of human urine(true, false? idk)

any ideas, suggestions, tips, advice is greatly appreciated. thanks

nah...i should have took pics.....the peat pots i planted were dug out and torn intinial reaction was "OH SHIT SOME HIPPIE HATER FOLLOWED ME AND THWARTED MY PLANS TO GROW THE TWEEDS" i started looking for signs of any other human being there except for me recently and found none. so that made me feel a little more safe. plus i had 6 different locations very spread out from each other with 5 plants in each. same thing with every spot........ i JUST went and checked my 6th and final location....i found 1 plant alive and healthy.....but the other 4 plants were gone.....same situation. im convinced its some kinda small vermin or something that eats plant life. no bug could dig up a small plant like that and tear the peat pot up......but wtf kinda animal eats roots :cuss:


Active Member
Did you have blood or bone meal in the soil? Lots of animals will dig up plants with those ingredients in the soil...
i think there might have been some blood meal in the soil......not alot, but some. even very small amounts attract that kinda attention from the wild life??? which animals?? and any way to keep them away?? sorry for the ass load of questions....just curious as hell about this problem and ways to remedy it.


Well-Known Member
Bushrats attracted to seed and tender young seedlings. Get some ratsak sachets so you dont wipe out the local birdlife.


Well-Known Member
nah...i should have took pics.....the peat pots i planted were dug out and torn intinial reaction was "OH SHIT SOME HIPPIE HATER FOLLOWED ME AND THWARTED MY PLANS TO GROW THE TWEEDS" i started looking for signs of any other human being there except for me recently and found none. so that made me feel a little more safe. plus i had 6 different locations very spread out from each other with 5 plants in each. same thing with every spot........ i JUST went and checked my 6th and final location....i found 1 plant alive and healthy.....but the other 4 plants were gone.....same situation. im convinced its some kinda small vermin or something that eats plant life. no bug could dig up a small plant like that and tear the peat pot up......but wtf kinda animal eats roots :cuss:
That was a dumb question.. most small animals enjoy eating roots. Also, depending on wats in ur soil, wildlife get attracted to the smell of the animal excrement in it.