need help with seedlings


Active Member
Hello, this is my third grow and although the first two went great I'm having some problems with my new seedlings. Im growing them in Miracle Grow organic potting mix(I know everyone says don't use Miracle Grow but its cheap and it worked fine with my first two grows so I stuck with it.) I have my 5 seedlings under 10 24 watt cfl's with a mix of daylight and warm cfls. I haven't been giving them any nutes yet and I water with phd water every few days when the soil feels dry. It has been almost two weeks since they sprouted and they are growing very slowly and are a very light green almost yellow color. Im not sure what the problem is so if anyone could help by looking at these pictures. The quality isn't great but anyhelp is appreciated. Thanks.



Well-Known Member
Use a nutrient free soil for seedlings. Actually, use a nutrient free soil for ALL Cannabis plants. You'll add nutrients yourself.


Active Member
Yea I thought it might be that, one of the seedlings looks like it has nute burn. I haven't given it any nutes so it must be the soil. Should I try and repot in better soil or should I just start over with new seeds?