Need help with soil!

Alright so I need to know he numbers on the bag of soil, I know it has 3 numbers on it like this, Example x-x-x I need to know that number thanks!!


Well-Known Member
i believe your asking about the N-P-K, right? it all depends on what you plant on using the soil for... seeds, cuttings, transplanting bigger plants...
i believe your asking about the N-P-K, right? it all depends on what you plant on using the soil for... seeds, cuttings, transplanting bigger plants...
Yeah that! and I'm planning on using it on a gerimated seed, Plan on getting Violator kush seeds, if that does not work out then normal regs seeds :(


Well-Known Member
then your going to want to use a soilless mix! You don't want any N-P-K in the soil, they will burn the shit out of your seeds and most likely kill them.


Well-Known Member
You can always order online. People here rave over "Fox Farm" soil and nutrients, but I have yet to use them. The X-X-X is the amount of Nitrogen(N)Phosphorus(P)Potassium(K) in it. I guess the amount you want is opinion based. over use, or deficiencies of one of NPK can lead to issues (Usually yellowing)