Need help with soils! Please (:

Hey guys, It's my first time growing. I got 50 Guerilla Gusto seeds in the mail a week ago, and this is my firs time growing! It will be a Guerilla grow in a good spot, Will be checking on it daily. So, With the season right about soon, I need to know what soil I can use through out the whole growing faze that will NOT burn the plant out. Or... what soil should I use in the beginning and switch it to?


Staff member
do some readings around here while waiting for a response, most questions can be easily answered with a bit of reading and research


Seed germination soil?

Sunshine Advanced Mix #4, or even regular Sunshine Mix. Fox Farm Light Warrior and Happy Frog can be used for seeds and they also have organic nutrients (earthworm castings, guano, humic acids) and microbial inoculum.

SAM#4 has microbial inoculants as well (mycorrhizal fungi). I usually mix SAM#4 with a few things... either another bagged soil like Ocean Forest; or I add my own humus or earthworm castings, more coco coir and some high N guano and kelp meal to make a more or less nutritive mix for seeds or veg.

By itself SAM#4 and other bagged soil-less mixes don't feature anything significant in the way of nutrients (it's a pure soilless mix), which would come from other amendments such as those that are featured in other bagged mixes.


Well-Known Member
I dont know if there is a soil that is made that doesnt need stuff added to it. Not sure why that is. Soil is either too hot, or too bland etc.
I dont know if there is a soil that is made that doesnt need stuff added to it. Not sure why that is. Soil is either too hot, or too bland etc.
Yeah i'm not good with all the ingredients, that's why I would want someone to tell me a good mixture.


Well-Known Member
if u have the money fox farmz ocean forrest will b great .if not . blood and bone meal the cheap soil


Active Member
Wow asking what soil is like asking what kind of underwear to wear. Everyone likes there own kind. I personaly think fox farm is over priced if you look around you can find same stuff for way cheaper. Your buying a name like everything else good luck.