Well-Known Member
Hey guys, so I finally got everything in to build my fixtures ( 4 of them at 2ft x 4ft ) and wanna make sire I wire it up correctly as I’m new to this and don’t wanna F anything up. So I’m doing 8 strips per ( strips from Cutter ) 4 strips are 3000k 90cri and 4 are 5000k 80cri and I’ll be using Mean Well 320H-48A per fixture running in parallel. Do I run the + and - from the driver to the 1st led strip and at the other end of the strip use a connecting wire to connect to the next + and - and continue that way ( daisy chain ) till the last strip? Or do I need to use Wagos or is there a better way to wire in parallel? If this is a stupid question then I apologize, like I said, this is all new to me and I’ve never done anything like this b4 and don’t wanna fuck anything up as I’ve invested a lot of money. Below is a pic of my strips and my layout will be 20” wide with four rows of 46” heat sinks with 2 strips per heat sink. Sry for long post and I’d really appreciate your help, thanks!!