need help withindoor lighting plz help

i have 8 plants and my problem is i don't have lamps for my baby's inside so can you tell me of some cheap lamp i have a 30$ budget i was thinking of getting a couple of those foil looking blankets and making 10feet high and wide enough to cover there side and leaving one side open to the window and putting a couple regular florescent bulbs like 2 or 4 long of the long ones hanging from the top please help and give me answers not links to lighting help sites

and my plants are about 2 weeks old and 7inches tall in gallon pots


Well-Known Member
How big/old are your plants??? buy some cfl's 23watts is as low as you would wanna go, they cost about 2 bucks a piece at home depot...

How big/old are your plants??? buy some cfl's 23watts is as low as you would wanna go, they cost about 2 bucks a piece at home depot...

they a week and half old they are like 7 inches

how many do you think i need and do you think my grow box idea will work with the window or should i leave it completely blocked from the outside and thanks i really need help im afraid there gonna die


Well-Known Member
you'll need at least 1 for each if they're only that old, but you will need to get more as they grow. you'll also need something to get rid of stale air, or a small desk fan to at least get some air movement...

lol i know this is a long shot but can i just grow them rite next to the window that gets sun all day and shine like 3 lamps on them 2 cuz thats really the only hope i got i live in the country and im scared to leave them in there pots outside in the tall trees and brush and shit cuz of bugs and animals what do you think i should do and i leave them all in pots even if i try out side what you think


Well-Known Member
the light from a window sill isn't nearly enough, you'll probably get 3 hours of direct sunlight, at the most, putting it there...I'm not an outdoor grower, as I live in a city type place, but i heard an easy way to keep animals and some bugs away from your plants, is to actually urinate around the area of your plants! I know it sounds weird but that's what I've heard!
