Need Help


I need Help, My plant is dying. Its growing under 400w light, it was being watered once a day, now it is being watered once every 2 days. Its leaves change from being green and straight, to sagging and having yellow tips, then yellow to brown tips, and then the leaves die.
Can any1 tell me what i need to do?



Well-Known Member
hate to say it but she looks almost spent. there still may be time tho. it could be a few things. first off what type of soil is she in and how much water does she get every 2 days? it looks as if its not getting any type of nutrients. dont be upset if she is lost, ive had everything perfect and tested out before and they still die. sometimes its just a bad seed. shit happens. good luck tho


Active Member
"the claw"! over nute....... cut out your nutes, flush your plant, water with ph'd water. maybe wait a bit longer between watering. let it dry out a bit.

there could be nutes in your soil messin you up, what soil are you using?

get it fixed fast, you still have time, but not alot, so get on top of it quick.


Well-Known Member
i could be wrong, but ive seen nute burn many times and it does not look like this. it seems to be dying from the bottom up. normally with nute burn the tips of random leaves get brown and wrinkle up. in this case it could just be a freak pattern of nute burn but i suspect something else. not sure what tho. sorry man, not much help. this one stumps me