Need Help


Hey guys, I just started my first batch of Clones and they were doing great. I used the jiffy pellets and they all rooted. I had them under a dome to keep the humidity up. Once they grew roots I planted them into soil and put them under a light. I checked on them not even 2 hours later and noticed they looked like they were going to die! (leafs extremely droopy) How are you supposed to plant clones without them drying out?


Rebel From The North
was the soil wet that you planted in? did you mist them?
and keep the humidity up and they will pull through.


Well-Known Member
They are going through some shock due to not being gradually hardened off.
They should snap out of it if the roots are true established.


Yes the soil is wet. I put 2 back into the dome even though I just got back from work and the leaves look dead. I left one there to see if it will somehow pull through.
I guess they were too used to the humidity... I still have 2 fresh ones in the dome. I am going to take the dome off for a couple of hours each day so they can get used to being in a less humid environment... I don't understand how people just take them from the cloning dome and put them in soil under a light? They didn't even last 6 hours?!


Rebel From The North
having a high humidity in your room helps and some strains do well
with going from the dome to open air and lights. misting then often
after being out of the dome helps to


So I should mist the one I still have planted in the soil?
I have them in Jiffy pellets and the roots were just starting to poke through about a cm. Like 5-7 visible roots.


Well-Known Member
never hurts to try, they can absorb a lot of water through their leaves.
If they've got roots they'll eventually recover, you may lose some fan leaves first though.
the "wet Leaf" system for misting is a winner...basically very easy. A selonloid contrlled by moisture weight upon a simulated leaf...go figure.


Rebel From The North
dude if the roots where just poking out of the jeffy cube you planted them to soon, jst will take longer to get going if they live.
keep the humidity high and mist them often.


Well-Known Member
Soon as ya see roots poking out it's all good,least it werks for me.
Take them outta the dome and put them in a bucket of water,completely under.
Yes the whole damn thing,let sit for a minute roughly then plant and water into soil.
This will really do a lot to prevent any major wilt issues and almost makes hardening off a non issue.


Rebel From The North
Soon as ya see roots poking out it's all good,least it werks for me.
Take them outta the dome and put them in a bucket of water,completely under.
Yes the whole damn thing,let sit for a minute roughly then plant and water into soil.
This will really do a lot to prevent any major wilt issues and almost makes hardening off a non issue.
well im going to disagree, I dont use jiffy but I have used them in the past, and if you wait till they get good root meaning tap roots
not wispy little one, when you transplant they will have a way better chance a survival and speedy development plus less stragler
plants. my 2 cents


What do you mean put them in water? Just the jiffy pellet? Or submerge the whole plant? :s
I guess I will wait until more roots grow! Wish me luck! And thanks for the help!


I would take pics but I dont own my own cam! But the one I planted is coming to life! so I threw another one in the soil along with it. Still have 3 more in the dome. Just waiting for them to grow some more roots. Why doesnt everybody clone?!


Rebel From The North
not sure lots like to go from seed, im a clone guys I like to clone lots and pick the best and disgaurd the rest.


I just started cloning, but ive already ordered some white widow and kush seeds since I can just clone off them. ALWAYS have the best bud! And ALWAYS female! Its great. I never tried it before because i thought iit was too difficult... boy was I wrong.