need help


Well-Known Member
ok i need step by step i need to get lights to day i need to know wat kind of cfls do i get and i need to know the steps of growing like when its 5 to 6 inches tall do i get differnt lights or can i use the same ones the hole time plez ezp


Active Member
If you've decided on using CFL's that's fine, they are best used in enclosed areas with reflective material (ideally using maylar).
It would help if you gave quite a bit more information as to your grow set up.
Say for instance you are using a stealth cabinet you might be using a mutltplug with converters for your CFL's.
For the first 2 weeks you want to have your lights on 24/7 until you have a strong little plant, from then on you have two lighting times: 1 for the veg period, 1 for the flowering period.
For the veg period you want longer periods of light, a good time is 18-6 (18hrs on, 6hrs off)
When you are in the flowering stage use longer periods of dark, 12-12. These are the lighting times I use for photoperiod plants, if you are using autoflowering seeds you will have to ask somebody else as I have no experience with these.


New Member
Greetings, please click the link in my signature. A ton of great info for you. Then when you are ready you can ask pertinent and specific questions on your SUCCESSFUL grow! Best of luck to you!


Well-Known Member
how do u know when a plats going in to veg p and going in to flowering p and can u use the same lights for that


Active Member
i never used CFLs,but from what i see..people who use CFLs use the 6500k ones


Active Member
how do u know when a plats going in to veg p and going in to flowering p and can u use the same lights for that
i dont think you read growing 101 on this forum lol..

you know because you changed the light cycle..


Active Member
Use 6500K for vegetation and 2700K for flowering. The plants need blue spectrum while vegetating and the red/orange spectrum during flowering. If you want to grow fatter buds, use an HID lamp instead of CFL bulbs as the light intensity and lumen/watt are much better. However, heat can be a problem when using HID lamps, so proper air-circulation is a must. MH lamps provide blue light, while HPS provides the red\orange. Hope this helps.


Well-Known Member
6400K for veg, it is up to you when you go into flower. 2700K for flowering

soft white or wat


Active Member
yea its up to you,whenever you want to change the light 12 hours on,12 hours off.