need help


Active Member
so i cut most of my fan leaves cose a mate told me it was good for the nugs turn out its bs n am stuck with no fan leaves what would be the best way to mature the plant n still get dicent bud to smoke


Well-Known Member
Were you veging or in flower when you cut the leaves and for how long? Are you growing in dirt or hydro? What are you lights? etc.

I'm fairly sure that you've learned this lesson already, but just in case...

Research things before you do them, especially if it's something incredibly drastic like cutting healthy leaves off of your plant. Does your mate have lots of growing experience? Question every piece of advice you get. Who does it come from? What do grow books say? Also, you can try to do something as an experiment to one of you plants, don't do it to all of your plants.

What's done is done. I don't think that there is much that you are going to be able to do except play with how long you keep the plant in veg, if that's where you are at. If you still are, you can keep it in vegetative longer. Your plants will most likely still grow and do fine, you probably wont' get as much bud.


Well-Known Member
so i cut most of my fan leaves cose a mate told me it was good for the nugs turn out its bs n am stuck with no fan leaves what would be the best way to mature the plant n still get dicent bud to smoke
just keep it in a veg cycle and you will be will just have to veg it a little longer now so the plant can repair itself.....dont cut any leaves unless they are over half dead....all leaves photosynthesis...when you cut or rip leaves the plant will stop growing to repair itself or go ointo a mild shock.....:joint:


Active Member
well i cut the leaves firs week of flowering am indoors . so i did try to go back 2 vegg stage but some of my white hairs where turning brown so i stop n when back to flowering 12/12 any opinions


Well-Known Member
if i go back to veg that wont toast my white hair
you should have more than 1:mrgreen:.......go back to veg for another 2-4 weeks then flip back to 12/12...the plant will need at least a week to get over the shock....when the shock is over the plant will start to show new growth...let it fill out and then go back to flower.....everything should be fine:joint:

if it were me....i would stop nutes and water with superthrive to help the shock.......but that is me....
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Well-Known Member
why do the hairs turn brown if u put it back in veg? my hairs are turning brown/red and its still early in flower i did not change the light cycle and no one will answer my threads about it:cry: what the F is goin on??
