Need Help!


Active Member
first time growing indoors, i have several white widow plants grow from seeds, and a couple bagseed plants.. they are about 17-21 days old, grown under T5 high output fluorescents. I germinated the seeds in paper towels and then transplanted them into these little JIFFY peat pellets (i'm not sure what the proper name is but they look like little hockey pucks until you add water and then they expand). The seedlings did good in these for a week or so, and then I transplanted them peatpod and all into 6 inch pots. I used JIFFY premium seed starting mix (which is 50% peat moss, and 50% vermiculite, and lime for PH balance) and I mixed in a little Miracle Grow organic mix, mixed it all up really good; and used that mixture to fill up the 6 inch pots.

I feed the plants for the first time when they were 1 week old with Botinicare Prue Blend Pro Grow & Liquid Karma which was high end feed I thought. I followed the instructions on the chart (5ml/gallon 1st week) that came with the food, and watered the plants with this once daily for the first two days. The bottom leaves started turning yellow sometime during the second week, and my first thought was that I over fertilized, so I leached the plants the best I could with distilled water, and continued to only use pure water for the next week, and leached the plants several times. The new growth seemed ok, but the bottom leaves were still turning yellow, and the edges of some plants were starting to turn brown. I thought I might be overwatering, but I only watered them once a day, and the room is pretty warm and dry (75-80 degrees). So, in 24 hours the soil is dry all the way through.

at the end of week 2 I tried to add some CO2, so I used baking soda and vinager, but I think I might have used too much, because the space is rather small with poor ventilation, and I used a lot of baking soda! Within 24 hours several of the larger seedlings, had these light brown dried up leaves appear, in the middle of the upper leaves. I just figured I overdosed them on CO2 if thats possible so I opened up the window for a few days. (the other thing I did was leave the vinagar open in the closet under the plants, I was wondering if the fumes from that caused the leaves to burn like that? it happened almost overnight)

Since then I haven't added any CO2 and it seemed like some of the plants lower leaves were still slowly turning light green, and then yellow, with brown edges on some of them, but their not curling downward. I even went and bought a soil PH meter, but I got a cheap one, and every pot I tested came up as a 7ph. I don't know if that's because the soil mix is still neutral, or my PH meter sucks and everything is 7!

It seems like my babies are slowly dying.. although most of them are still showing new growth (their seem to be some "runts" that have stopped growing, and are half the size of the others), but I'm wondering exactly what the problem is? I'm not sure if i'm over watering, under watering, overfeeding, or not feeding enough? or if I overdose them on CO2, and/or vinager?

any suggestions would be greatly appreciated. thanks.

