Need IMMEDIATE help with drying in nontraditional home in very humid area

Ok so ive had to start perpetually harvesting my ten week strain because outdoor humidity is bringing small amounts of budrot to mygerilla grow. Amount of rot each morning on average is 4-10 nickle or less sized spots of bud rot. Mostly on smll bud sites near I have harvested all of my main colas in an effort to conserve the biggest part of my yeild. Outdoor umidity everyday is about 75-85% and temp 68-80 degrees. Night time 100% 50-70 degrees.

But here is my biggest problem. I live in an unfinished house and achieving appropriate conditions for drying sems impossible to me.
I have almost no money. So i cant sheet rock and insulate ( very largr house no insulation or sheet rock at all). I minicured my buds and only ten or so buds i felt were large enough to keep some stem on. Those are hanging from clothes pins and the rest are very small and i have removed the stem. The are layed out on a thick paper bag on a three tired metal wire wrack ( very big spaces on the rack, not like a screen, so i must lay something down so the nugs dont fall on the floor. I have one small fan on high and ond medium fan on high about 2 and 4 feet respectively blowing almost directly on the nugs. I know this is not suggested but the humidity in the house is very high because it is basically outside. No windows are open and i put it in a small room but two walls are exterior and two are interior with sheets hanging. The room is 85% dark. I tried to run a dehumidifier but the damn thing leaks. Last night humidity reached 86% inside while being 100% outside. Today it is about 89% outside and 73-77% inside. I just placed two plastic containers of damprid near with coffee filters on the top to prevent it from blowing around. I also filled a 10g bucket with rock salt to drip into another bucket. Also looselycovered with filers on the top. What should i do? Will my buds definetly rot even with the fans? Will they dry ever?
Found this over the weekend here -

Case Study on Curing - Very Humid Environment (85-95%)
by Chits
Presently trying this method and results are very good.
Started drying about a week ago. Finally had it down to 68% (not stable though) in the jars, but was not comfortable with it at that point. Looking for around 62%.
Presently we are into a week+ of damp / rainy weather. Ambient air is high 80 to mid-upper 90% RH. a little high for here, but not unusual.
How to get the jar below ambient was a issue for me. So I came up with a test. Here's what I used:

  • 1 gal. glass jar
  • 1 lb. white rice
  • 1 qt. jar of bud
  • 2 paper lunch bags
In the oven at 250 degrees for 45 min. to a hour with the paper lunch bags and rice. Idea is to dry it out as completely as possible.
Once out of the oven, Place bags and rice in gal. jar (loosely capped) to cool.
Okay, now fairly quickly remove contents from jar. Open 1 bag and add rice. Stand it up in the gal. jar. In other bag pour in the buds and install into bag of rice. Slip a hygrometer between outside bag & glass so you can see it's reading, and seal it all up. May take a bit of persistence to get it right where you want it. But go slow.
While aiming for 62%, when the hygrometer rises to 60% I'll put the bud back into it's cure jar and let stabilize. Repeat if needed. The meter will start out really low (being dry) and will rise as it draws moisture out of the bud. Suggest you try and stay right on top of it because it seems to work faster than I expected.
Starting with 72%, made this routine 2Xs and I'm almost perfectly stable at 63%. I may go 1 more time, but I'll let it sit a day or so before determining that.
This was a spur of the moment idea. Seemed to work weekend for a smaller grow anyways and I'm sure something could be changed or modified to be even better (easier/faster?). This was really flying-by-the-seat-of-the-pants as they say. (ie; not very scientific)
Anyways, living in the mold capital of the universe, I had to do something and relatively quickly. Seems to be working fine.
Hope it helps someone else.
If I was stuck in a situation like that I wouldn't hesitate to break the rules. I would put a clean dish towel on a cookie sheet with a single layer of bud and another clean dish towel over it, and I'd set the electric oven at about 100F. Turn and cool the bud periodically until it is at a point where it will no longer rot. Don't worry. Turn on and shut off the oven when you think it is warm enough. The main thing is don't raise the temp high enough to scorch the oil. I would guess about 140F.
Found this over the weekend here -

Case Study on Curing - Very Humid Environment (85-95%)
by Chits
Presently trying this method and results are very good.
Started drying about a week ago. Finally had it down to 68% (not stable though) in the jars, but was not comfortable with it at that point. Looking for around 62%.
Presently we are into a week+ of damp / rainy weather. Ambient air is high 80 to mid-upper 90% RH. a little high for here, but not unusual.
How to get the jar below ambient was a issue for me. So I came up with a test. Here's what I used:

  • 1 gal. glass jar
  • 1 lb. white rice
  • 1 qt. jar of bud
  • 2 paper lunch bags
In the oven at 250 degrees for 45 min. to a hour with the paper lunch bags and rice. Idea is to dry it out as completely as possible.
Once out of the oven, Place bags and rice in gal. jar (loosely capped) to cool.
Okay, now fairly quickly remove contents from jar. Open 1 bag and add rice. Stand it up in the gal. jar. In other bag pour in the buds and install into bag of rice. Slip a hygrometer between outside bag & glass so you can see it's reading, and seal it all up. May take a bit of persistence to get it right where you want it. But go slow.
While aiming for 62%, when the hygrometer rises to 60% I'll put the bud back into it's cure jar and let stabilize. Repeat if needed. The meter will start out really low (being dry) and will rise as it draws moisture out of the bud. Suggest you try and stay right on top of it because it seems to work faster than I expected.
Starting with 72%, made this routine 2Xs and I'm almost perfectly stable at 63%. I may go 1 more time, but I'll let it sit a day or so before determining that.
This was a spur of the moment idea. Seemed to work weekend for a smaller grow anyways and I'm sure something could be changed or modified to be even better (easier/faster?). This was really flying-by-the-seat-of-the-pants as they say. (ie; not very scientific)
Anyways, living in the mold capital of the universe, I had to do something and relatively quickly. Seems to be working fine.
Hope it helps someone else.

Sorry for my slow response. I tried writing back.each time my phone died quickrr than it charged.
Questions about your procedure...
1) are all three in the oven bags,nugs,rice?or just rice and bags?
2)Is the rice in the bag while in the oven?
3) rice in the bag in tbe jar during cooling?
4) nugs in a smaller paper bag while in a larger bag with rice in a jar?
uhmm i use damp rid. we have 90 percent humidity here all the freakin time. hate it. but i built a box made of wood. with a fan inisde and hang one of those damp rid hangerin in it and have had no problems not once. youll see the bag get full of ambient humidity. then you change it,cheap too.
Could try a dehumidifier in the room? I buily a cardboard housing around my first batch of drying buds....not fully sealed so there was ventilation from the nearby fan it helped a little bit my RH was atound 75....

The buds in drying now (2nd auto grow) are ok cos my RH is 50ish, and afyer having chopped and binned sone bud rot im still checking as often as possible in case it returns. ny other nugs from the autos are in an open shoebox under the hanging buds, still nicely ventilated justneed to move them around a bit once or twice a day