Need indoor help plz!


Hey all! im currently in my first round of flowering EVER and have some concerns/questions. First... here is my setup...

Room: Small Closet. 5ft high; 4ft deep; 5ft long. 2 sliding doors..
Light: 1000 watt HPS
Strain: Bag seed
Nutes: Floranova Bloom; Cal-Mag plus
Soil: FFOF

The plants are around 2 ft tall in 1 gallon buckets. Been flowering for atleast a month now. Probably longer.

My concerns are, it gets really hot in that closet. Ive got no where to put the heat. One of the plants is having a lot of dying leaves. The bud production doesnt seem that great. All buds still in the popcorn sized range.

My questions are, Do i need to go to bigger pots to get bigger buds? Should i mist the plants with a spray bottle? Do i need more nutes? Where can i get a magnifying glass to look at the buds? How do i get those huge colas im always seeing people get? i didnt use any training techniques. Should i attempt to top next time? I just let them do their thing this time.

Keep in mind this is my first attempt ever. So please be kind on the burns lol. Thanks all!!


Active Member
Well Ill try and answer those questions the best I can.....without being to harsh..LOL
1000w HPS is alot of light for the area you have, you could have gotten by with a 400w or 600w, this would have helped on the heat issue.
Do you know what the temps are in side whe the light is on?
When the lights are off, are the plant in complete, uninteruped darkness?
1 gallon pots are a bit small if you wanting to grow some big plants, you plants sound stunted.....this could be from a combo of heat and small pot size (rootbound). You could repot them into larger pots, just be carfull not to damage the roots to much.
You should not mist plants once buds start to form, as they can retain water and you could get mold, fungus and or bud rot.
You can buy a cheap jewlers loop or a handsized mirco scope on e-bay for about $20
I like to top my plants once they have grown out to 5-6 nodes, cutting them back to 2 nodes....then I use the supercropping method to keep the canopy at a nice even level.
You leaves dieing and falling off could be several things........if you have never used anything but Floranova bloom, then you might be low on nitrogen.....plants need something high in "N" during veg growth and the first few weeks of flowering.
Take some pics and post them, as thats the best way to get a better answer.
You really need to exhaust that heat, (do you have a fan blowing air around in the closest...if not get one) if you get your temps correct, feed you plants the correct things at the correct times, keep you soil PH in the 6.5-7.5 area you will produce some nice big buds. I dont think anyone gets it perfect thier first go, its a learning experiance......if you really want to become a good grower...READ READ READ, there are lots of great books out there and lots of good information on this site, people seem to jump in with both feet before really having a clue of what they are doing or how to do it. Good luck on you grow
