need mylar info +rep


Active Member
I was thinking of using flat white paint then decided fuck it, where do i get mylar how much is it and what form do i get it in, can i get it at wal-mart canadian tire much is it and is it better than anything else ? also how do i mount it on my growbox walls (plywood)


Well-Known Member
Staple gun to mount. Its usually around 30 for a roll that will cover a small grow-room. Any local garden or hydro shop should have it. If not, look online for any hydro shop that will ship to you and they will have it.


Well-Known Member
Put sticky tape on the back of the Mylar to stop the staples ripping through. Worth spending a bit more and getting the diamond Mylar, it lasts longer than the basic stuff and imo reflects more light.


Well-Known Member
Ive always been a fan of glossy white paint. Lowest cost I think. But Mylar is cool and I'm sure way better (ie more efficient) at reflecting light around. Good luck JR

Illegal Smile

IMO not better, not worth it and a big pain to put up. White paint relects 85% of light. You can't improve on that by much.

Brick Top

New Member
Get Velcro strips that have glue on them or buy glue too and glue one side of the Velcro to the Mylar and attach in whatever way the other side of the Velcro to the wall and then hang it.


Well-Known Member
you can get emergency blankets at walmart for under $2 a piece. one or two should be more than enough to cover a small grow box. i like the emergency blankets best, but i understand white paint is as good, as cheap and easier to put up, also theres no threat or tears or hotspots with white paint


Well-Known Member
Anonymous rep? If you gonna leave a comment like that. At least have the balls to leave your name. And what you on about anyway. Cuckoo!


Well-Known Member
Emergency blankets aren't mylar. They're designed to keep in heat, not reflect light. They're better than tin foil by a long shot, but not super reflective. Psh, I've used staples before and been fine. Tape is prob better tho, I DO have to re-staple sometimes.


Well-Known Member
Geo has a secret admirer?!

you can also hang mylar with aluminum tape.. (in my basement and I didn't want to build a structure down there to staple to, saved a ton of $ on not buying any wood for it) the mylar is like 4 feet wide, and my ceiling is 6 feet, so basically started at the ceiling - just ran a tape piece every 6 inches on top to tac it up and every 12 inches at bottom to snug it up and then went back and tightened it up with more strips of tape and a little tug where needed. that shit holds great on any surface I've tried it on.

Hey Grizzly,
if you take little pieces of cardboard and staple through that into the frame you will find the staples won't pull through... like a cardboard cereal box( I think Frosted Flakes works the best and you have a snack for when munchies attack), and cut it in one inch squares.. just a thought to try as you need to re-staple anything.