Need Recipe for Marijuana Wine

Hey guys,

I have seen a few recipes as the result of a Google search for Marijuana Wine, but they are all so different. Does anyone have any recipies they can recommend to me? This Sommelier at my local wine store did tell me that half of the home made wine recipes on the internet are B.S. and won't work - so I don't want to waste half a pound on a foiled batch of wine, that's for sure!

P.S. Sorry in advance if I overlooked a previous post way back in the history - if there is one can you guide me to it? I searched for 'marijuana wine' and 'wine' with the search engine, but it returned like 200 pages and browsing I saw nothing obvious.



Active Member
Sorry I can't help much but what came to mind was a fortified wine using a tinsher. Strong mix of everclear and bud then add to the wine. It might be more like a sherry or port. or you can try to make some hash and grind it up into the wine and the availible alcohol will absorbe the good stuff. I don't know if you need to heat it or not though. Good luck.


Active Member
Make a tincture, put it in; Then fill the rest with welches grape juice concentrated, and add a tsp of yeast. Wait 2 weeks, Siphon of everything into a bottle and cork it - there ya go.
I am meaning actual wine from scratch - like a recipe to put sugar, water, bud, yeast, etc and let it sit in the primary fermenter, move it to secondary fermenting, etc.

I heard about some of the hard alcohol drinks - it sounds good. Thanks for the tips cazador.

If I do find a good recipe, I'll post it to this thread. But it's going to take a LOOOONG time to make the wine (3 months when I start) so will be awhile until I can post! I am still welcoming all good recipes though! Thanks in advance!


Well-Known Member
maybe you should ask your sommelier friend. I can gurantee no-one on here is a sommelier nor does anyone here have any experience making wine. Cazador had the best idea though, make you wine like normal and when it is aging add hash or kief to the batch and allow it to continue aging for at least another week. To bad I am allergic to alcohol, I might be a better help to ya if I wasn't.
Normally what happens when you make homemade wine from whatever it is, like rhubarb, strawberries, even dandilions - is you put the medium in a big plastic primary fermentor with your sugar (be it water/sugar for homemade zinfadels/coolers or grape juice for red/whites) and yeast and let it sit for around 14 days while the sugar is fermented into alcohol. Then, you rack (strain) it into a glass carboy and let it age and put an airlock on it. I just am looking for the correct ratio of ingredients to put in the primary fermentor - so exactly how much sugar, how much bud, how much yeast, and other flavor additives. I heard a good way to go is like a citriusy blend of oranges, limes, and lemons. Imagine that on a hot day? A nice THC laced cirtusy wine cooler! One glass would be enough my friend!

Anyways, regardless if I get any exact true tried and tested recipes here, I'm going to make one from Google - and I'll be happy to share my results on taste, effects, etc!