Need Seeds


Well-Known Member
can you give me a link to your favorite seed bank ( that will deliver to the USA) and tell me why you like them the best. I notice nivanna seeds are half the price of sensi seeds. I wonder why?


Well-Known Member
Use the search. Same question every single day. Try searching, or go to the correct forum!
What a fucking pussy. Somebody asking about seeds gets you so bent out of shape that you have to reply acting a piece of shit? So what if you see the threads everyday its not your forum, would you like a cyber tissue to wipe away your tears? Go find a life or something lol


Well-Known Member
i use the attitude, they (if paid for) gaurentee against any loss by customs, and has all genetics from every dutch seedbank, and compared to those dutch seedbanks they prices are good


Well-Known Member
Thank jeffdogg for settin him you said it all for me, Thanks everyone im going to check them all out!