Need some advice from a veteran


New Member
Hi my name is Gregg and this is my first post here. I welcome any and all advice, as I know there many years experience on here. Question... In Southern California, first week of march, I have 8 ladies on their 2nd week of flower indoors. Is it possible to take a couple outside, as I am on a 12/12 from 6a to 6p? 3 different strains.

Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde

Well-Known Member
yes, the sun is lovely and does them good
Dr. Jekyll

yes the mites and other such critters, dirty little bastards they are, the risk is there
Mr. Hyde


New Member
Thank you so much. I'm in San Diego and about 1/8 mile from the ocean. Days have been pretty consistent at around 76 and I grew a nice white widow last year outside and it yielded awesome, and never a problem with any bugs, pest, etc. I just want to make sure my girls will continue their flowering?


Well-Known Member
On March 22 the days and nights will be 12 hours each. From then on days get longer. That helps vegging, not flowering. You want to put plants outside so their maturation cycle is enhanced naturally. But you are going out the wrong time of the year, eh? BigSteve.