Need some advice


Active Member
Hi! This is my first plant, so any advice would be appreciated. Just check the photos! I don't know exactly, but it might be around 6-7 weeks old. Don't know the brand, but looks like some kind of indica. I'm growing it indoors just by the window without any special equipment and lights. It gets direct sunlight from 7am till 1pm, so it probably is too little, but has been growing quite nicely. Don't know about the soil, how much pH it has. The only thing that bothers me, is that its pot has become too small. Look at the picture where its roots have even come out through the pots bottom hole. So I'm planning on transplanting it after some two days. Just some four days ago discovered some little white hairs which I suppose to be pistils. See the picture! So I think it is female and has just started to flower. Then about pruning, should I do it? Don't know exactly in which places to cut. So far have done nothing. Then there some of my leaves are not beautifully dark green coated, but light green with just some dark green areas. Why so? And what about the leaves which are turning yellow? I have some three little. Should I remove them? Actually what about the little leaves? There are lots of very tiny ones, which I can't see to be growing. OK, just check the photos and tell me what you think!



Active Member
ooh, and if the roots are sticking out of the bottom of the pot, i would consider transfering the plant asap. if you havent transfered the plant at all, then it should be fine, but make sure when transfering it, that you do it quickly, and painlessly for the plant. if the soils pretty stuck together, i should have a close friend hold the pot upside down, u catch the plant, and then move it into another container. your plants looking pretty strong though. ive transfered my seedlings three times in around 2.5 weeks, so once for yours shouldnt tdo much harm


Active Member
the sinlight your giving that plant i would NOT reccommend. indeed it is growing, so it really depends on when you want it to flower. it looks like a relatively small plant though. if i were you, i would get about 2-4 CF (compact flourescent) lights and put them around it. i havnt seen many plants that flower early like that... if you want it to grow more, definately get the compact flourescents, theyll help. its already a decent size, so i would recoment just enough to give it enough light, and around 16-18 hours of light. when you want it to flower, go back to the window method


Active Member
and sorry to keep posting, i keep forgetting other parts i meen to add in. as for yellow leaves... could be a number of problems. theirs a thread in the general growing board that has a list, or you can check the growing FAQ on top of the page. i personally would reccomend just putting it in a new pot, larger of course, and adding some new, neutrient full potting soil. water it minimally so its sure not to drown, and keep a little more light on it, but do NOT use regular light bulbs...


New Member
the yellowing poroblems i would imangine as pot related transplant now....root bind will kill that plant in days....also for a window plant not bad...i seen one the other day that was 10 inches tall in full bud a a quater of pretty nice should you...just transplant that poor is a fem...


Active Member
Thanks for the advice. I have transplanted it once already, when it was quite small, some four leaves, but now I'll transplant it again as soon as possible and then keep you updated. As for drowning, I think it wont happen. But I still haven't figured out yet the correct amount of water. There was once an occasion when one day most of the leaves were down. I was very worried and didn't know what to do. But then I watered it, and after some hours they were back up again. I think my soil is not quite good, cause at top it gets dry, but I think that at bottom it gets wet and flat, squashed (don't know the correct word) and is not breathing. I'll try to fix that with the transplantation.