Need some advice


Hey everyone,

I'm on my 2nd grow (1st were both males :() and I'm still very inexperienced. I'm currently growing 2 plants (both females) under 497 watts of CFLs, divided as evenly as I could over both of them . The plants were switched to 12/12 15 days ago. I'm using 42w, 26w and 23w bulbs at a 3:1 ratio of 2700k to 6500k. The plants are Blue Cheese and White Widow. The Blue Cheese plant has taken a lot more damage throughout this growing process than the White Widow (almost put it to death at one point). Since the WW is doing a lot better than the BC so I know I'm going yield a lot more from the WW. My questions are; should I take some of the wattage off the BC plant and put in on the WW? I know doing that will reduce the size of the BC in the end but will I still get something? Good idea? Bad idea? Any advice or feedback would be great, thanks :joint:

Blue Cheese:

White Widow:


Well-Known Member
What are your canopy temps like? The Blue Cheese looks like it might have had a little heat stress.


Yeah, the other day couple lights got to close to the BC and I didn't notice right away. Problem should be fixed but just another thing wrong with the BC that isn't with the WW.
Your over feeding a little bit but they look fine!
The only nutrient that can ever cause burns is Nitrogen. Plants have evolved to absorb as much Nitrogen as they possibly can because it is rare in soil in nature. Other nutrients can cause lockouts meaning one nutrients impedes the uptake of the other. Lockouts and deficiencies look the exact same. If his plant was suffering from Nitrogen toxicity they would be a dark green almost bluish hue and it's leaves would be curled downward into a taco shape. His plants are suffering from either a lockout or they are deficient. It's impossible to say without knowing what his environment is like, what nutrients he's using, at what dosage, and how often he is watering.
Under HPS I would recommend to move stressed out plants out from directly underneath the hood, however, with CFLs I doubt it would help considering because of the fact the intensity is so low.