Need some advise and help


Active Member
im new to the whole outdoor growing thing, but i do have experience with indoor growing..winter is almost over where im at and i wanna move my op to the out doors, i plan to raise some seedlings to about 12" in height before i move them outside but id like some help first

First off, im runnin kinda low on cash, is it possible to dig the holes and add crappy soil but just enrich it with nutrients by watering the soil with nutrients say like 3 days before transporting?

Second, what will i be up against animal and bug wise? any tips to keep pesky critters away?

whats the ideal time to plant? im in the ohio ish area and winter is coming to an end probly in 1 week.

also, is bud rot a huge problem outdoors? id assume so, since it will rain on the buds, any ways to help prevent this from occuring?

also any other neccassary info would be much appreciated


It's 5 o'clock somewhere

Well-Known Member
I'm in central IL'ish and plan on doing the same thing. I don't think winter will be over in a week... We're about to get 4-8 inches of snow tomorrow. I've never grown outside so I'm interested in what you find out. I have heard that somepeople have taken fishing line and strung it about a foot and a half above the ground as the deer will run into it and look for a dif rout. I've also heard that people mark (pee) the area so the animals will smell humans and stay away. Don't know if any of this is real or just bs. hopefully some outdoor growers will chime in and help us both out.... Good luck...:peace:


Active Member
im in WI...ish area n i usually started mine 2nd week in march and planted them out when the temps were good. just dug a bigger hole than needed and mixxed some good soil (with no nutrients) with the soil i dug, transplant and cover soil with CYPRIS mulch, seeing as they were growing out back in the flowerbeds i could feed and water at anytime. (no close neighbors!). important thing is to research seeds n choose appropriate ones, mold resistance, climate...n so on. Afgany n Skunks do pretty good round here. usually harvest as late in oct. that i can go.(weather permitting, thy handle a mild frost as long as the temps go back up the next dat. usually get between 500 to 700 grams per plant or so.

pic of a couple CRYSTAL clones i got from a buddy last year that didnt get in the ground till a ways into june, stll produced almost a pound per plant cured!!! NOT RECOMMENDED FO INDOOR GROWS!!! they have the strongest most distinct odor of any strain i have smelt!!! WOW:twisted::twisted::twisted: n POTENT as HELL!



Mr I Can Do That For Half
Your pretty far off to think actual winter in ohio will be over in a week..Not too far from you and thinking end of may it should be getting to the 50s so june is gonna be time to get them outside and then you have about 6 months to get them done.You need good soil to put in your hole after digging it few gallons per hole.Depending where your at you will have deer and rabbits waking up froma slow mode and looking to eat as much green as they can get so your gonna have to deal with that and then comes the almighty spider mite fight so plan for those.


Active Member
ah cool thanks guys :) well im not actually in ohio haha just around it, and where im at its been increasingly getting warmer but varies, around aprilish things become steady and it stays above 60 atleast consistanly, so im thinking of planting then, but yea too keep deer away i plan to piss around my grow area, as deer will smell a human sent and turn away, as for rabbits i have no idea on how to keep them away...i heard human hair works well but im worried that if my spots busted they could use that for DNA lol...

as for spider mites i have no clue how to take care of those...never had a problem with them indoors.

an estimation on how often i will have to check on my plants?

i have 6 different locations, 3 of which i own, 3 others are between goverment run energy compounds where no 1 would have a need to venture into the woods in between.

im hopeing to grow 900+ plants as i have near 2k seeds saved up

also any ways to prevent bud rot? cant u like put a white and or clear tarp over the tops of the plants so light penetrates but water does not?

people spotting the grow will not be of concern in my 3 personally owned spots, but the other 3 could have this concern....

i hope to update everyone with video's and pics once i get started.

each grow spot will be equipt with motion camera's and sensors as well, spanning anywhere withing 100 yards of the plants, so if i see any theif movements i can be there with my .45 in a matter of minutes :)


Active Member
WOW - 900 plants is awfully ambitious. Pissin around your plants won't keep deer away.You'd have to have a hell of a set of kidneys to piss enough to keep anything away from 900 plants. A fence or your 45 is the only thing that will keep deer from eating them. Soap & hair draws other critters & repellents, that are pretty questionable to begin with, have to be reapplied every time it rains.


Active Member
well all 900 wont of course be in the same spot, i play on spaceing them out between acres of woods, like 20 plants per spot and each spot would be 50 yards away from each other, so basically i just have to hope that nothing eats them? lol theres no way to keep bugs and animals away?


Well-Known Member
I once flowered 24 plants good sized plants indoors under 2000 watts and it took me a fuck load of time to trim and harvest those 24 plants...also I had the shit hanging in 2 closets and had to set up lines across the bathroom to hang the trimmed branches to dry...just food for thought.

I've always heard that in the mid-west you shouldn't put your plants out until after may 1st. Also if you put them out that early they will be monsters before sept. rolls around. 20 monsters every 50 yards is no good.

It's 5 o'clock somewhere

Well-Known Member
I plan on putting them in corn fields once they get etstablished. I know the farmers routine and once their corn is about 2' tall they don't get back in the field with the tractors again so 1 or 2 topped bushes will easily hide in the field. I only plan on putting 3 maybe 4 plants total in the whole 35 acre field.


Active Member
so any tips for takeing care of animal and bug threats? and pesticides that wouldnt hurt the bud and plant?

also are hanging pots a good idea to use? i was thinking of hanging soil pots, on trees,that i can get from my local hydro store, they come with locking rings so that wind wont blow them off the branches during a storm, would this be a good idea?


Active Member
Hey, I have 2 questions: 1.) I wanted to know, if you have 3 plants in your house can neighbors smell them when its starting to bud. If so what should I use? 2.) How much does the electricty bill usually go up if you have one 400 watt MH running for 18 hours?

It's 5 o'clock somewhere

Well-Known Member
Wow fatazz! That's pretty rude hijacking a thread.... start your own.... We will let it slide because it seems to be your 1st post, but in the future be more conciderate.


Active Member
its quite alright i dont mind at all this thread is for the knowledge of everyone, but i can kinda help you tho my answers are not EXACT.

i have a 400watt MH bulb for my salt water fish tank and its normally on 16 hours a day which made my electricity bill jump roughly 25 dollars, but i also am very conservative with my energy, i.e. turning lights off that arent being used, steroe's tv's computer's, and i do my laundry in town so thats probly a factor as well but the jump in price really shouldnt be TOO much so i dont think you have a thing to worry about if your worried about cops catching you for your increased bill i HIGHLY doubt it, for 5 years now ive had 2 salt water fish tanks running my small 75 gallon one is equiped with the 400watt MH light while my big daddy tank thats 675 gallons has 6 400 watt MH bulbs and 2 400 watt HQI lighting fixtures i have yet to run into problems with the police, and yes ive been late on my electric bill alot and still no problems what so ever..

as for you question about the smell, it depends on how far your neighbors house is from you, what strain the plant is, and wind direction i guess, once again ive heard stories of how stinky a plant can be, but from my experience in growing indoors ive NEVER had a problem with smell other then the room the plants are being grown in my case it was a closet and the smell only went as far as the room the closet was connected too, if your worried about smell get one of those glade plug in things that give puffs of fragrance every few minutes, i use it and it works great.


Well-Known Member
Hanging plants in trees inst a bad idea as long as sunlight doesnt get blocked too much, as for pests, bugs and such put a fence up around your plants made of chicken wire and paint it black or green to help avoid unwanted atraction maybe even just 2 feet tall and then you could string fishing line around at several levels to keep the deer out, as for bugs and such you can use come kind of pestiside to spray on your plants stuff for use on tomatoes should be fine. If your putting 20 plants in a spot your gonna want them more than 50 yards apart because if one of your spots gets busted/jacked up then that puts all your plants in danger, also from arial decection you would be better off with less plants in a spot and having your spots more spread out.


Well-Known Member
outdoor grower, about to put some wire up for my plants (i've got problems with hairs or bunny rabbits eating my plants), but i digress.

to answer one of the original questions, "Neem oil" is a bug repellent and a funguscide that is safe to use on your mary. i dont know if they have it at home depot, but i should know by tommorow if they do, and i'll let you know when i pick some up.

GL with your grow too brother, being outdoors can be a worry, but it's still one of the safest ways to grow.
