need some advise


Active Member
Hi Guys.. need some advise here
i have 2 plants both been flowering for 3 weeks now.. the problem is one of the plants is small and flowering nicely .. the other is flowering also but is a lot taller and the light i have has to be keept moving up as so not to burn the taller the plant.. of course doing this means the smaller plant will not get as much light .....
so my question is.. could i cut the top of my larger plant down so that its the same size as the smaller plant.. what would happen if i did this .. would it kill the plant? .. i would buy another ligh if i could afford it?


Well-Known Member
topping a plant 3 weks into flowering will probably hutr your yield a bit.
your better option is either raise the smaller plant closer to the light if you are in soil or add another light to the shorter plant if in hydro.
my solution for my 2 mothers .. one usually taller than the other is to angle my light. it hangs from yo yo type hi low hangers so angling it is as easy as lowering one side a bit lower than the other


Well-Known Member
personally i would raise up the smaller plant or i'd gently LST (bend the stem over in a gentle curve) the taller plant.


Active Member
raising the smaller plant is a good idea.. but then ofcourse the bottome of the larger plant will suffer from light loss... iam not gonna win iam i without another light


Active Member
can do that it a couple of hours when the lights come on .. they are sleeping now .. but i would say its maybe a foot / 2 foot higher .. not much... but iam frightened that as the buds develop more it will grow higher or does it slow down at this point? iam new to this


Well-Known Member
raise your smaller plant and put reflective material at the base of your grow area to reflect light back up.


Active Member
thats a good idea.. that should sort it and can afford that.. cannt belive i didnt think about using reflective material to reflect the light back up.. Noooob iam


Well-Known Member
you can tie down the taller plant so it grows partially sideways some, this is what I do. Also you can use some chicken wire that is 1" below your light and tie the plant to that at it grows so it is wide and not tall.


Active Member
you could always tie the larger plant down it wont hurt the larger plant but may spurt a growth spell since it will be growing more for the light now