need some help please take a look pics


Well-Known Member
pics are a bit small but with yellowing leaves so early in development i would sy nute. whats your ppm ph and ec?
light cycle 18-6
water 15 min every 3h while lights are on.
temp. 67-75
my room mate did the mixture of nut but i pulled it this morning washed the res and turned off the lights and water for 24 hours. they are babies should they even have nut in the water yet or just a balanced ph
i had them on for the first 48 hours and they seemed to wilt to overwatering. but the water got warm so maby that was the only problem! thank you for your advice ill keep reading


Well-Known Member
I run a filthyfletch tub just like that one. I run the water pump 24/7 with no issues. Overwater? The roots should be in the water. What are you using for bubbles and what is the Ph in there?


Well-Known Member
also the strength of your nutes should be very very weak as you are hydro i think u need to use nutes as your medium looks like pebbles. are you using rockwool cubes or anything else ???? ph should be maintained around 5.8 with a little fluctuation either way.
also the strength of your nutes should be very very weak as you are hydro i think u need to use nutes as your medium looks like pebbles. are you using rockwool cubes or anything else ???? ph should be maintained around 5.8 with a little fluctuation either way.
ph is steady around 5.5
rockwool cubes in areo pebbles
there is no mix of nut right now the roots arnt out of the baskets yet.
4 airstones are running 24 hours
We need all the info on your grow including:

What type of medium; soil or hydro? hydro
What strain? blue dream, cheesebread, sour wreck og
How old are the plants? 3 weeks
What type of lights and how many watts? T5 424 watt
How far from the lights? 2ft
What is your watering frequency and source of water? waters 15 min every 3 hours while lights are on.
What, how much and when was it fed? NPK? roomate put in nut they started to burn so i cleaned res and am just running distilled water for now. with 4 airstones running 24 hour
What is the medium/runoff pH and PPM if in hydro? 5.5ph
What are the temps and humidity in the room? 65-78temp 35-49hum
Any bugs? Look real close. no
Any other pertinent info? when i found them 48 hours ago burning i cleaned res and turned off lights and water for 24 hours.


Well-Known Member
I'm not really sure what your problem is but, I can tell you this. I start in rockwool, my tub is the same only 2 stones, I use pebbles, I have T5's, my Ph is a tad higher but, I don't think that's the problem. The only thing that I do differently is I run the water pump 24/7 and I have never seen what you are experiencing. Is that the answer? I really don't know but, good luck.


Well-Known Member
Nitrogean or phos def flush and clean the unit then follow with some good nutrients.Also cut of the leaves that are yellow there time is up if these are clones this sometimes happens to the bottom leaves so don't worry has long has the ph is checked after nutreints are added and set the around 5.5/6.0.

trichlone fiend

New Member
...I'd give them a 1/4 strength solution using any micro, grow, bloom....see how they act for a week, slowly raise the ppm of your fertz as your plants age.

Do you have any kind of ec/ppm/tds meter?


Well-Known Member
I'm not sure but I suspect that this question is for me. I use GH Maxigrow to veg, I start at 1/4 strength and build up from there.
appreciate the advice i think the nut burn just stunted them.... the roots are just breaking the bottom of the basket all the damaged leaves are shirking and falling off new growth is strong! thanks for your advice