Need some help PLEASE!!!!

Portland Plant

Active Member
I have a plant that will be harvested this Friday, My question is how can i get this plant to go back into veg so i can get some clones of her. Turned out to be a great plant with big buds and really easy to grow. I have looked all over the net but can;t seem to find a step by step way to harvest her and still be able to get to go back into veg,,,,, Please help me


Well-Known Member
Harvest her but leave some green on her. Give her 24hrs of light and a dose of nitrogen. 1 month or so ya can take clones.


Well-Known Member
harvest top half of plant, cut off most of the buds, then return lighting to 18 on 6 off, 3 weeks later it should be revegging, then let it grow and take some clones off of it.