need some help with PH

hello growers " i am in need of some help here, I am not a first time grower but I am getting my ass kicked here, I have 4 def plants, Train wreck, the ulti, white shark, and white ryino.... the last 5 years i have been in the sweet spot at 5.5 PH never had a problem, with any dif plants in the same tables, except for this new crop. some plants are squat and almost at a stand still while others in the same table are growing fast and sweet,... with the dif plants should i keep the PH at 5.8 to 6.5 ?

I am going to take some pics to show ya what I mean, some plants have what looks like a white dust on them and when you touch it the spots smell like finished bud,

damn strange to me


Well-Known Member
I would flush your medium and change the water and try to have the pH set from 5.6-6.0 (5.8 +- 0.2)

you can see my resivoirs on this thread close to the end. I had problems with my grow there also and now they are awesome.
I'm gonna post pictures on that thread later today.


Well-Known Member
I am going to take a guess and say what others have suggested that you might have a problem with humidity and powdery mildew. Also with your PH you may want to try setting it closer to 5.8 and letting it drift to about 6.0 then reset to 5.8, I follow this in flower explicitly. In veg with some strains I will take the PH down to 5.6 or so and let it drift to 6.0 because I feel that more nitrogen is available but I have no evidence which actually supports this other than the standard PH chart. Good luck and happy growing.
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Ok here are some pics, I know that what I have been doing in the past for white rhyno is 5.5 to 5.8 for PH, but these new plants dont like the 5.5. So 5.8 to 6.0 will be the answer for the next few weeks, What can I use to flush the rocks for this PM? I have never had this before... Damn over 10 years growing in hydro and this is the first. Well I built a new grow room in my garage, Everything has been cleaned and cleaned with a bio clean that will not hurt the girls. I just turned off all the aircon and killed the fans so the room can get hot, I was told that Heat would kill the PM. Ok here are a few pics,

Any help to kill this PM would be a life saver


Wild, The humd in the room has been from 24% to 32%.. What is a good wash to use?
I have been using the same rocks for 4 years now, I clean them with a light Bleach and boiling HOT water, After every grow..

Is there any kind of a soultion that can be made or bought to kill this?

Or should I kill and clean scrub and start a new :(

to my knowledge, there is no recovering from pm.
i just went to my local hydro store and bought some sulphur, i was told that i am around the 30th grower this week with the PM.

i will try this and if it cant hold it atbay, Iwill kill everything and start a new.
sounds like when i finished my outdoor grow the spours went into my room, damn bud mold was nasty here in the Bluewater area.



Well-Known Member
Ouch. That is simply coated with PM. You have to take action as soon as you see even the slightest sign of that white fuzz.

Some strains are more prone to this than others.

That grow has had it. Tear it down and start over.