Need some help


Hey guys!
New to this forum and the overall interest in the growth of marijuana.

Here's my situation:
I'm living at home with my parents, i'm looking to grow 1 plant just for personal use and for the hell of growing it. Luckily enough i've got two seeds of a buddy of mine. I only plan on using one, that is if the other dosen't germinate. My growing space would be my closet, I was thinking of buy or creating a small greenhouse that would be closed by zipper and be fully reflective on the inside. With a florescent light alternating on/off during the day.

I'm not on a tight budget, but I don't really want to be blowing a whole bunch of money if i've only got one plant. I've read most of the tutorials on this site, though most seem to be for 4 or more plants at once.

From all you pro growers out their, what would you suggest supplies wise. I don't want to wake the whole neighbourhood up with the smell of bud or attract any authority.

I will try to post pictures of my space!


Snow Crash

Well-Known Member
You can get pretty small grow tents, I suggest you just do that rather than building it. It's tougher than you might think to piece something together from duct tape and reflective insulation.

Make sure you can ventilate the area very well. Provide enough of your budget for the fans.
CFL bulbs grow some killer stuff. If you get lucky and get a female you can set up about $20 in bulbs and supples and be very satisfied for a first timer.

Most of all. Educate yourself. Try to search out other people's grows. Look for dresser style stealth operations. Bigger than a PC, but not quite a whole closet. Google is better than the search engine here.