need some help!


Hey. i need some help on curing my buds.
ive tried a couple times before and im not sure im doing it right.
my buds dont come out that great after. but on the plant they look amazing
ive tried putting them in a brown bag for a couple days then hanging them in my closet.
ive also tried mason jars and opening them every few hours and wiping the moisture off the lid for a week then hanging the buds.
can anyone help me on curing??????
much appriciated.


Active Member
Of, first of all to properly cure you need to properly dry.

1st, I allow my bud to dry to the point where the outsid is a little crispy but not yet stem snappable.

I dry in an open room in the dark with a fan oscillating and temp/humidity comtroller 60-75deg 40%humidiy.

After the buds are a little crisp but still a little bendy in the stem I place in very large canning jars as loosly as I can. I place this jar into the same controlled dark room sealed in the jar for 3-4 days. during the first 2-3 days I open the jar and dump it out spreading it out on a table because inside the jar they will moisten up over and over. I dump it out every 3 hours and allow it to sit out until the buds become crispy again, then reseal in jar and repeat until the 4'rth day which I wait until the end of the day and let it sit spread out until crisp again and when I seal it in the jar its ready for months of storage.

I grow medicine for myself and do one grow a year and I store everything and use it as needed. I find that the closer to the end of the supply it tends to get better. The longer it cures it just smokes so much better. Avoid allowing water droplets form on the jar, THIS WILL INSTANTLY MOLD. I hope that clarifies, its 4:20 and im celebrating.