Need some honest advice


Been more of a lurker here than actual poster but a recent issue led me to ask for some advice from people outside of my circle of friends.

Recently I started dating this really attractive girl. She's easily a 10.5 and the best I've gotten is maybe a 5. We were out at a club and she ran into some old friends of hers from HS who were very surprised to see her. We hung out with them the rest of the night and before leaving, one of her friends tells me that she used to be a guy. WTF? I started doing some digging around and I can't find any info on her through back ground checks. Every lead goes back 2 years and that's it. She's never introduced me to her family and she's always told me that she couldn't have kids and I was cool with that. I don't know what to do. I'm not gay so being with a guy just wouldn't be cool at all! On the other hand, she is one fine looking girl (or guy :sad: ).

So what do I do? I'm really falling in love with her. I'm soo confused.

Carne Seca

Well-Known Member
If you start out your relationship with deceit then it's only going downhill from here. This isn't some tiny lie. It's a big issue. She should have been honest with you from the start. Ask her point blank. To her face. Get the facts before you do anything rash. If it's true then do what you gotta do.


Well-Known Member
before leaving, one of her friends tells me that she used to be a guy.>>>

>>>Whether true or, and run fast.


Without getting too detailed, I've been down there and I couldn't really tell. Maybe people are just trying to screw with my head and break us up.


Active Member
Man you need to just be right up front with her/him and tell her what her/his so called friend will be able to tell by hr/his reaction


Well-Known Member
Without getting too detailed, I've been down there and I couldn't really tell. Maybe people are just trying to screw with my head and break us up.
I would advise spending this time and energy into learning how to grow cannabis.


Haters Talk Shit all the time. Jealousy is all they have and they probably could'nt touch her cause they tried and she said "no".

Granny weed

Well-Known Member
Been more of a lurker here than actual poster but a recent issue led me to ask for some advice from people outside of my circle of friends.

Recently I started dating this really attractive girl. She's easily a 10.5 and the best I've gotten is maybe a 5. We were out at a club and she ran into some old friends of hers from HS who were very surprised to see her. We hung out with them the rest of the night and before leaving, one of her friends tells me that she used to be a guy. WTF? I started doing some digging around and I can't find any info on her through back ground checks. Every lead goes back 2 years and that's it. She's never introduced me to her family and she's always told me that she couldn't have kids and I was cool with that. I don't know what to do. I'm not gay so being with a guy just wouldn't be cool at all! On the other hand, she is one fine looking girl (or guy :sad: ).

So what do I do? I'm really falling in love with her. I'm soo confused.
Carnes right just ask her outright, tell her what her friend said and ask her to be honest with you, and have a crafty look for tell tale signs such as an Adam's apple a more pronounced jaw line I'm sure you would know if she had been a man just by looking at her a man is a man at the end of the day wether his bits have been chopped off or not, it's beyond me why anyone would want to be a woman it's a hard life you know. :cry: