Need some imput on this plan


New Member
Start indoor using a 60 watt hps with 10 northern bright fem Seeds in the begining of April when the temp is still around 50. Mid april when temps are in mid 50's and when it wont frost move them outside and let em grow. The light/dark would be the same as it is currently outdoors so they wont have bad shock from transfering from indoor to outdoor. Think this is a good idea to get a good early start for the season?

Any strains that you think would work better for my case for michigan outdoors?

MH or CFLs make bushier plants. Low wattage HPS is especially not ideal for vegetative growth, you plants will be tall & skinny bitches!
What if i throw some floro tubes on each side of the plants along with some 40 watt cfls and still have the hps on the top? and i see what your saying about the bushy thing... See my pic thing? thats just from cfls.
That will do the hps will hold it till you get it outdoors as long as you are not around people that will see you I take it you are out in the country. But Yah like TeaTreeOil Said but a few cfls in there with it also, Make sure it is well vented if using grow box dude.
Thanks and yeah i live in the city but there not going to be at my house. They will be in the country and no one will see them getting transfered. Ventilation wont be a problem they will have a whole room to themselfs.

You guys know of any good outdoor strains that will do well in MIchigan?