Need some legal eagle advice

Considering no one goes to the legal forum here i thought id put it up here. I got an op going now and sell it off as it comes out. Im wondering if i should talk to a lawyer just in case the door gets kicked in one of these days. Its not a huge amount but my friends that have gotten in trouble with other stuff say you need to hire a lawyer fast because of how the state works or whatever. But is it smart to sit down with a lawyer and talk about illegal activity? Whats to stop him from telling people number 1? But I think he might be able to give me the advice i need and a scope of the penalties and money that will come form getting caught. Any ideas guys?


Well-Known Member
A lawyer will not talk to you about illegal activity you are performing. You would want to sit down and present a "scenario" and go from there. They really can't give advice if they KNOW you are doing something illegal. I would recommend finding a lawyer you would feel comfortable hiring. Maybe interview a few so at least you have a name of who to call if stuff does hit the fan..


Active Member
High times and norml maintain lists of lawyers who specialize in 420 related issues.I also think that ANYTHING you talk to with your lawyer would be considered private/attorney client priviledge just like a doctor,theres no money in diming you out but its big casino for him if you need representation!