need some solid tips on cloning


I'm a novice grower. In March '10 a friend gave to me two U.K. Cheese clones. I have had one successful harvest with a yield of about an ounce in a half. after the harvest i put her back on a 18/6 schedule to get another crop in. she is still in the vegetative state. when i received the clone it was nothing more than a few clipping in what i thought was a root stimulator/water mix with some light brown roots that i imagine took root in the stimulator. so naturally when Audrey started looking good and healthy again i immediately was interested in cloning. i bought some clonex solution and mixed it accordingly to the directions. then i took some clippings with a clean razor. i cut 3 leaves off all with 5 leaves on it and about an inch in a half stalk on it and inserted it into the solution. i only have one 400W HPS bulb one plant. i am keeping the plant in vegetative state until hopefully i can get a good clone going. any advice would be greatly appreciated.