Need Sum Help


Well-Known Member
not with that fert I looked at it yesterday in's very week.your better off with miracle grow 24-8-16 it's got the most nitrogen.thats if your buying from a hardware store or garden center like home-depo.If not go to the local hydro store and get some pro shit.


Well-Known Member
Remember that when you first start using Miracle Grow you should dilute, if the plants haven't been conditioned to it. Less is more. It's easier to start small and troubleshoot small problems than start with the recommended dosage and risk completely burning your plants.



Well-Known Member
They did recover though, right UnEmploymentDude? Or at least I hope?

And yes... Dilute -strongly-. MG is fine, if your plants get conditioned to it and take a liking to it.

Personally, I recommend any Fox Farm products you can get your hands on. I've used heavily diluted hydroponic Grow Big nutrients, and they work like a dream on soil grows.



Well-Known Member
I would stick with the organics. Pure short half lived organics such as bat guano or earth worm castings give the prize winning flavor and high thc content. Mined and synthetic ferts give heavy nugs do to build up of unnatural ions that can not be processed by the plants. True organics are below 8-8-8 nkp in % though is really a power packed 2-2-2. Mined elements are under a 16-16-16 and about the same strength as a 2-2-2 of organics. Sythetics are the high numbers and will kill a mother in under 5 years with an experienced grower. With mined or synthetic you will not have to worry about people smelling the nugs though with the added scar tissue the thc content is a faction of what it should be and for me I get more of a headache then high.

If you are breeding pure organics is the only way to go.

Tha Hustle

Well-Known Member
My Plants Have been in tha ground for about 2 months and there not as big as i think they should be im just tryan get them bigger before its to late ? ?


Well-Known Member
Mostly plants grow larger with good soil such as promix more then fertilizer. The more oxygen to the roots the faster the growth rates.


Well-Known Member
Don't worry too much about the size of the plants. Be more concerned about a -successful- grow, rather than a big one for your first time. Besides, when the plants entering flowering mode, they'll grow twice to three times the size they were in vegetative stage. So it's actually a good thing; they'll tell you when they're ready.
