If you go to this website you can support my petition to the white house to legalize weed! I need 150 signatures to get it publicized on the government website to get the 5,000 I need to get Obama to address the issue in 30 days, please help, add to facebook, twitter, whatever, I only have my own signature right now but if I can get 150, then I can push the issue on the website to get the necessary 5,000 signatures total needed to address it. Thanks for your help!! 420 Forever!!
If you go to this website you can support my petition to the white house to legalize weed! I need 150 signatures to get it publicized on the government website to get the 5,000 I need to get Obama to address the issue in 30 days, please help, add to facebook, twitter, whatever, I only have my own signature right now but if I can get 150, then I can push the issue on the website to get the necessary 5,000 signatures total needed to address it. Thanks for your help!! 420 Forever!!