Neem oil alt? Illegal in Canada


Well-Known Member
So just found out that neem is illegal here in Canada so that's why I haven't found it anywhere.

Any Alternative to it? I don't have a lot of money to spend and spider mites suck.

Safers brand has a spider mite specific foliar spray, worked great for me when I had a problem. Bought mine at Rona not sure what other distributors they use
I don't know when you used it, but it is now much more watered down than it used to be giving the spider mites a chance to adapt, and then it doesn't work anymore. You're talking about the yellow bottle of pyrethrin right? it used to be the ultimate, but it's a lot weaker these days, the original formula is now ilegal I beleive, just some info, it still may work not saying it won't. You've got to follow the schedule of spraying to a T, not giving them a chance to grow new generations of mites that have adaptation and immunity to the spray. Just some blahblah for ya
give a friend the money and have them order it...
as an alternative you can buy spinosad or pyrethin...not sure of the availability in Canada, but both can be effective if used properly.
i like pyrethins in veg, once flower starts i like to stick to spinosad, low human toxicity and short half life
Ahh see no access to online buying ; no credit or debit at the moment or bank account to be honest. So I have to go into the store to get it and I'm no where close to the places selling it :(

Canola oil with a drop of dish soap. Less than $2 in most grocery stores. $1 in wal mart in US.
Fels Napha soap. - $1.19 on detergent aisle in US grocery stores. Castille soap but more expensive
Bronners Peppermint soap- liqiud.
Lavender or rosemary essential oil
Thank you so much!!

You are welcome. They are pretty low cost solutions. Cheap enough so you can mix it up with different methods using a 32 oz spray bottle. Use one one day and three days later use another.

Bronners has peppermint oil which spider mites hate it has other oils too.. Supposedly lavender will totally destroy them followed by rosemary then peppermint.

One poster said lavender is a secret weapon in some commercial grows. You can also find some little plants you can put near you plants to drive them away.

If you can find habenaro peppers at the store you can make pepper spray. Strong stuff.
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