Neem oil for spider mites

Stoney Jake

Well-Known Member
So I found a 3 of the little rust colored devils on 2 out of the 5 of the plants in my veg room. I have read up on the subject and went out after work yesterday and bought some neem oil. I read and was told by my local hydrostore that its very important to apply this when the lights are off. Or 5 minutes before the lights turn off.
My veg room has flouros and cfls in it, will it hurt anything to apply this with the lights on.
I know its a whole different story under my HPS.
Another thing is that I have my veg room on a 24 light cycle. If I do need to change the light cycle I will, but I was wondering if it would mess with anything if I just turned the lights out at 9pm-1am(for the neem oil) for a couple of weeks then back to 24 hrs?

First time even seeing a mite so my heart sank when I saw it having read all the horror stories on here... After doing some research I feel good about being able to get rid of these suckers.

Any help would be much appreciated