Neem Oil?????


Active Member
I bought some neem oil for hopes of taking some preventive measures but i'm not sure if the label directions for a foliar spray are right...

once I mixed this stuff and applied it, it made my plan smell like roasted this ok? it really seemed awkward.

Can anyone recommend anything else or should i be fine with neem oil? How often do you all apply this?

thanks in advance.


Well-Known Member
Hey man I use neem oil from time to time you just need to bite down and grind your'e teeth that shit stinks.The smell is unbearable.Work great for me tho.Hey man I can tell you after a while it is a good idea to rinse the neem oil off your'e leaves.I had a problem with it blocking pores on my plants.I just rinsed with regular tap water from the hose I still use neem i just like to clean it off.


Active Member
i'm afraid that it's gonna get in my preflowers as well....this stuff doesn't harm the flowers? do you use this stuff while you're blooming?