Nerve racking


So i just started my first auto grow. And along with that my first time germinating straight into the pots. With it being autos i didnt want to germinate then plant them to prevent any stress or shock to the plant due to such short lifespan. My cash crop worried me but after about the 3rd day i can see signs of life and it is about to pop out to say hello. My afghan kush ryder on the other hand got set in soil yesterday and is already taking root. Does anyone else just germinate straight in pots or do you transplant. I know most germinate outside but there are soo many methods to germination i like to hear others methods
I have done it every way LOL, with anything though if you do not disturb the roots next time go solo cup and move it up in pots without messing with roots and all good. I soak seeds for 24 hrs, then into moist paper towels in a bag, dark warm place for 48 hrs and plant tails. Or seed in solo cup with medium, miosten cover with plastic wrap and wait for the sprout. soak plug for 24hrs in kelp juice and then place seed in middle after squeezing the extra out, into cloning tray under the dome. Just a few.
I keep trying to get a picture of my cash crop and afghan kush ryder pushing up out of soil but they wont upload
might be some sort of technical issue with the site, I had a pic get posted 5 times..I know I wasnt that stoned I uploaded it 5 times,,also been having issues viewing other members pictures too,,some open..some wont....just my two cents issues ive been having the last few days.
I do the paper towel trick in a ziplock with some warm r/o water sprayed in norm pop roots in 3 to 5 days. Keep it on top shelf in room above light stays warm.
I go straight to final pots with autos and small pots with photos. Cannabis growers are silly. they are the only ones beside fifth grade science class to use paper towels. Its a seed and meant to be planted.

With autos the tap root determines flower. Using a small pot to start can shorten the veg time on them.

The tap root develops many fine roots. Root hairs. The more hey are handled, the more chances of damage. Any damage can allow pathogens or bacteria that cause damping off.

People think using a paper towel is faster. Its not. You might shave a day or two off but it doesn't really help. When planted straight to soil, by the time it breaks ground the roots can be 4-6 inches long.

That being said, to each their own.
in fact i just remembered i had 1 going now gona plant it tonight when the lights come back on only took 3 days not saying its faster just what i do:). Also i grow in hydro now just easier form me used to do soil but always seemed to be spilling it EVERYWHERE lols.
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I put my auto-flower in paper tissue yesterday morning and put it into 5 gal pot tonight .

So should only be a few a days behind yours , be interesting seeing them grow .

What size pots you started in op?