CanniCastro420: For a single mom plant you have a lot of options but they're going to depend on the size of the plant. I have a couple of lids, one that fits a three and a half gallon bucket and one for a five gallon bubble pot that are readily available at most hydro stores, and they both have net pot baskets already built in. One has a net pot that is almost 10" in diameter and I think that's a waste of good Hydroton. The Almost 6 incher is about right.
You can get a blank lid, (Without a net pot built in), buy a set of hole saws from Harbor Freight Tools that goes up to five inches in diameter and make your own holes for what ever size net pot you want to use. That 's what I did because after a few weeks all you're going to have in the net pot is the trunk of your plant. The bulk of the roots are going to be down in the bucket sucking up nutrients. I hope that helps. HSA