Nevada State says “No Medical Marijuana Dispensaries Here!”

Basically, Nevada is the only medical state that has been dragging its feet in regards to allowing medical marijuana dispensaries. There are none and Nevada has been a medical state since 2000. A senator is sponsoring a bill to regulate medical marijuana dispensaries in Nevada soon.

Anyone live in Nevada? What are your thoughts?

Even though Nevada is a legal medical state with no dispensaries, how is the culture in regards to personal grow ops? Is it hush hush?


Well-Known Member
I lived in Nevada for only a year, but everyone always said the same thing, cops HATE on weed.. but if you get caught with a tiny amount of coke (say like a gram or so) --its cool, they'll let you go.. but if its weed, you're Fckd~

It is probably because if you are on MJ, you'll think twice about spending all your money at the casinos, haha

All grow-ops there are treated pretty much (hush hush), you will find hydroponic stores but most ppl there will just say they are growing "tomatoes" ;)


Well-Known Member
Well Pete, just a lil FYI note on this topic. Montana has now joined that elite group after last novembers vote. All our dispesaries have been shut down and although we have legalized MMJ. They have in effect made it all but impossible to grow and for those who cant even attempt a grow impossible to obtain. We are allowed 4mature plants above 12" tall and 12 seedlings under that. Thats what happens when politicians write laws. They don't think about all the growth between seedlings and mature plant. Also you are allowed to be in possesion of less than an ounce and yet when they come in and rape your grow, the minute you have put scissors to it they count the weight of the leaves and stems as well. All because when 65% of the voters passed the voter introduced inititive, and it was repealled, all those voters stayed home and didn't vote the restrictions down. If only they wouldve put down the bowl and went to the polls.
SimplySmokin, that reminds me of a simpson episode where Homer was all for medical marijuana, and in effect had to vote for the legislation to pass. He ended up medicating too hard and forgot to vote. lol