new b set up


Active Member
Hey guys. I am on my 4th week of growing. I have a veg room and a flowering setup. I took some pictures. tell me what you guys think? I am not sure about my veg room set up. I have 6 chronic seeds that are growing on rapid rooters. I have them in a plastic container with water pH 6. I plan on leaving them for 6 weeks and take them to flowering. I will start giving them nutes next week. They have been growing for about a week. the flowerin set up has 6 plants that should show signs of sex soon. Is my veg set up ok? I was going to buy an airstone for the plastic bucket so i can get some oxygen to the seedlings.



Well-Known Member
I am trying very hard to understand your setup, can you elaborate as much as possible for us?

How old are you flowering plants? Is the first picture them?
what lighting cycles are you using?

What medium?
What hydroponic method?
What nutrients?
Whats your lighting setup?


Active Member
sorry about that.

ok, i have a 2 room set up. In my closet i have a 6 plant NFT system that has 6 plants (middies seeds) that are about 5 weeks old. I forced flowered them because I got my hands on some chronic seeds. My grow medium is rapid rooter with water absorbent clay pellets. 5 weeks ago I germinated my first seeds and i had them on a 20-4 light cycle under a CFL tube. Than I used my HPS bulb after I saw 3 sets of leaves. I am using Maxi bloom/grow nutrients and Bcuzz bloom/grow micro nutrients. I have a small bucket of "big Bud" that i will use later on. Today i checked the flowering plants and found out that one of them is female, and one is male. The other 4 is too hard to tell.

In my vegative area I germinated 6 chronic seeds 1.5 weeks ago. They are in the orignial plastic casing that the rapid rooters came in. I put them in a small tupper ware container and i have distilled water with ph 5.5-6 in the tupper ware container. I plan on feeding them nutes in a few days. I was going to just change the water from the tupper ware container every few days. Will that work? This means that the roots will be soaked in nutrient water with out any flow. As opposed to my flowering room which has a 5 gallon reservoir with a water pump. Right now my veg setup has 24 hours of CFL lighting. My flowering room has 12/12 hps lighting. This is my first time every growing weed and today i spotted a female. Is that good?


Well-Known Member
sure! Females are the keepers, males are worthless. good for you!

As for the ORG question is your veggin area good?

Well I am trying to understand when you say they are in rapid rooter exactly what you mean, cause those are really tiny plugs and they will outgrow them pretty quick.

I would suggest to you to use fox farm Soil, mainly because it is idiot proof, and great for begineers.


Active Member
i am trying to not use any soil. I was going to get baskets and clay pellets and when the roots out grow the rapid rooter plug they will have the clay pellets to grow on to. It worked for my current flowering plants. I made a mistake when i didnt cover the rapid rooter from the light. So it started growing mold and lots of salt deposit. But now they are fine. I have one female plant for sure, and hopefully one more.


Active Member
Mr. Ganga, I appreciate ur help man. I have another problem. My seedlings are turning yellow and curling. I finally added the nutrients today. They are in a small topper ware container that has 2 cups of water with the nutes ph at 6. The temperature is around 80-86 F. I just took some pictures, tell me what you think I might be doing wrong? I used aluminum foil to block the light from hitting the rapid rooter plugs. the seedlings are yellowish green. 2 of them have brown tips. The stems are dark purple. thanks



Well-Known Member
thats Mrs Ganja to you.

And Dont use nutes yet they are far to young. Just use water PH'd to 5.8 if possible.

You stems are purple because of extreme temp fluctuations.

Try to get the day temp to 70-80 and the night temp to 65-70.

Also they shouldnt be just sitting in water, you should just add water to them as they need it. They are maybe extremely overwated and this could be causing your curling leaves as you tiny little rapid rooter plugs are saturated and arent taking in oxygen.


Active Member
i raised the plants so that most of their roots are above the water and the tips are under water. I am having a hard time controlling temperature. I have them in a small cabinet. I have a CFL tube screwed to the roof of the cabinet. I have the tubes on 24 hours because I am planning on flowering them in 6 weeks. Can you give me some suggesting on how to cool the cabinet. Should i remove the mylar? I can't leave the cabinet open because of random people visiting my place.

LeRoy JaBluntski

Well-Known Member
get a small fan in there to circulate the air, not only will this move air towards the exhaust but it will strengthen your stems to support the weight of the bud more. I saw your thread b4 this about your exhaust problem. You want the exhaut line to be as short as possible and with the least amount of curves and turns as possible. So going out the top and then all the way back down to the bottom is a bad idea. Also have you cut a hole for the inline?


Active Member
hey, the flowering room is fine. the temperature is about 84 F when the light is on and 70s when off. i installed inline fan and but a circulating fan in the flowering room that helped alot.


Active Member

Whats the best way to get good marijuana seeds. I want to grow white widow after I harvest these guys. There are many websites but I don't know which one to trust. Help me out...
if if i was to grow say white widow in 8x5 foot closet just one or up to four depeanding on the first outcome with a 250 hps light what kind of odor controll would i need no ventalshen, a ozone generator, or carbon air filter,or just some odor gel??? can not use ventalshen at this time thats the last option but tell me any way i wont need odor controll for one plant (WW) huh? may be not even 4 huh am not like high times yet!!!


Well-Known Member
Dont thread jack, start a new thread for your ventilation question, I will meet you there and answer it for you.


Active Member
2.5 weeks since germination. Tell me how they look? I am feeding them nutes. I will move them into net containers with hydroton rocks in about a weeks or so. I also put a tsp of 3% h2o2 and it seems like it helped alot. The plants are nice and green. Some end tips of the lower leaves are brown. Should i do anything different?



Active Member
Ms Ganja,

So my veg set up is in a small cabinet near my window. Right now the seedlings are about 5 inches away from the CFL tube. Is that ok? I will move them down soon. I have a 1 gallon reservoir. I will buy a 36" TRAY that will fit perfectly in the cabinet. I will than remove the seedlings from red tray and put them in net containers with hydroton rocks. I plan on changing the reservoir 2 times a week because the reservoir is only 1 gallon. What do you think? the temperature is stable and humidity is around 50%. I plan on growing them about 12-14 inches in this cabinet and move them to flowering room. I am using a NFT system for both flowering and veg. My other question is, do you think the plants will grow healthy with the space limiation. I am gonna have them in 1 strait line of 6 plants in the tray. and feed them nutrients via NFT. PIC BELOW



Well-Known Member
If you can Dont have your exhaust out on the bottom of the chamber have it exhaust right out the top.

And if this isnt possible at least dont have it so its going out right above the intake, or your practically defeating the purpose of it.