new cab too hot?


Active Member
Just built and tested my grow box, its about 40cm x 120cm and about 130 cm tall, 400 w HPS , 280 cmm bathroom fan installed in the top corner, passive intake in the opposite bottom corner (this intake is currently too small, only half the size of the outake) . after running for half an hour the temp was above 35 C (thats 95 F) . too hot i think.

The reason i've not cut the intake hole bigger is i was trying to use a centrifugal fan inside the box (CMM/cfm unknown, but pretty powerful), but that was way too hot, so i tried using it as an active intake with no fan on the out vent, also too hot! if i keep this fan as an intake and have the other fan sucking out, will it work or will i have some sort of negative air flow?

I'd rather not have both fans going as its bloody loud, will widening my passive intake help to decrease temp? or would it be better to build a cool tube or something.

Thanks in advance



Active Member
i cant buy air cooled hoods in the country where i live (well not easily anyway) not even a regular reflector! i could build one i guess but seems like too much work. i'll test it with the active intake now and see what happens.

Do you think having a fan blowing at the bulb will help?


Well-Known Member
i cant buy air cooled hoods in the country where i live (well not easily anyway) not even a regular reflector! i could build one i guess but seems like too much work. i'll test it with the active intake now and see what happens.

Do you think having a fan blowing at the bulb will help?
If you get cold air in there,and you can order air-cooled hoods online that get shipped to you.


Active Member
possible but very expensive for me, i live and work in a developing country so import goods are crazy expensive comparatively. not really an option I'm afraid. thanks for the suggestion though!