New clones drooping


Active Member
I just purchased 6 new clones today, 2 of which appear to be drooping. They came in root cubes and were planted into 1 gal pots with happy frog soil about 4 hours ago. I used about half a clear plastic cup (a little smaller than regular red dixi cups) of water in each pot before planting clones in them. This is my second time purchasing clones, on my first go I overwattered and killed 3 of them. I'm trying to avoid this problem this time around. Should I just let them keep going and see if they bounce back or should I try and replant with new soil? Thanks in advance for your help.


Active Member
I would def say they are drooping, but check the pics to see for yourself. I am using a 4ft 8 bulb T5, about 2-3 inches from the top of the plants.

The plant in the first pic I took out of the 1 gal pot I put it in originally and put it my clone tray, I cant tell for sure yet, but I think it is bouncing back. Do you think I should do the same with the other, or will this just stress the plant even more?



Well-Known Member
I would prop them up with a wooden skewer, or whatever you can use as a mini stake and put a light fan on them to promote transpiration.