New Clones! Flowering!? NEED HELP ASAP!

So I Bought Some Clones From A Place Near My House That Specializes In Clones. And Now That I Have Them All Set Up And Under My 600W MH Light... I Notice I Can See Little Hairs Forming That Are Indicative Of The Beginning Of The Flowering Process! What Do I Do!? PLEASE Help!!! Have the light on 24/7 For Veg.
BTW My Grow Is In A 6ft By 6ft Frame
DWC (Not Recirculating, Just In 5 Gallon Buckets That I Change Out Once A Week)


Well-Known Member
Clones are usually from mature plants that have already shown sex...It's normal for a few stray pistils to be seen on clones, and as long as those single pistils don't begin to turn into clusters of pistils it's completely normal.


Active Member
If these hairs are at the base of the branches they are preflowers. The plant will put them out as an indication that it is capable of making buds at this time. It does not have to be flowered at this time, the plant is mature enough is all it is saying.
Just 'cause a teenage girl has her period doesn't mean she has to run out and get pregnant. Same here with the plant. As Metasynth says, long as it isn't a cluster at the tip you are good.
When I did SOG I would distribute a fair amount of clones, cloning 56 plant trays left a lot of clones laying around extra. I never charge for them, I want more growers out there.